Principality of the Mists: Arts and Sciences
Mists A&S Competition/Display Schedule: 2023
Creatures Great and Small
In the coming year we have 8 competitions set out over 4 events. We hope you will come along in our journey. Let’s explore how creatures influence our sciences & arts though out the Middle Ages
All Artists, Bards, Calligraphers, Natural Scientists, Poets, Rubricators, Singers, Troubadours (etc) are invited to pursue the arts by creating displays of their work and teaching and discussing the work, whether it is a material object, an intellectual one, or a story of history.
For details on the Silver Muse competition see: Silver Muse Rules.
For questions, email

Spring Coronet
Competition One: Gastropods/Mollusks
Please make something that represents, includes, or uses as an ingredients gastropods or Mollusks Embroidery of octopus anyone? How about illustrations & illuminations, those great fighting snails won’t fight themselves. Leather workers and armory designers ; time to get creative ! Cooks and apothecary users alike could use these as ingredients or inspiration!
Competition Two: Feathered
Ahh those creatures that take flight and some that swim! The lovely plumage that takes on hues and iridescent unlike the imagination can fully appreciate! Please make something from or inspired by our feathered friends whether it be a hat, a bag or cloak, an illumination, a song, a dance, or some ingredient, or something that has inspired by feathers.

Spring Investiture
Competition Three: Scaled
Ahh, those shine armored critters! So ready for battle! Let them inspire you in your armor or garb inspiration or a dance of the fish? A song to teach?
Competition Four: Furs
Oh so soft! The things that keep us warm and let us show our Royal roots! Design or be inspired by the furs of the past! A trim of a hat? Were critters with fur revered for there meat and bones in a stew? A mask or a helm with a crest would be a spectacular display! Or other skinned ideas!

Fall Coronet
Competition Five: Winged
Take a flight of fancy! Some special Roman jewelry comes to mind! How about some prose of Michel and his fight? What ingredients that come from from winged beasts? Those illumination’s would be a fanciful feat with winged creatures in its designs!
Competition Six: Horned and Tusked
Oh leather workers and costumers I’m looking to you! What about inspiration in armor or hats? What creatures horns would turn up in a bottle? What drinking vessels could be made or etched items of stories see?

Fall Investiture
Competition Seven: Insects
It’s all amount those creepy crawlers! Those many legged or flying, honey making, lovely’s from decorating your garb or jewel made up from their bodies ground into paints make a tasty treat or teach a class on libations there so much more to these than one might think.
Competition Eight: Hoofed
What can we say about our hard working friends? Let’s see some saddles or spurs!! What tasty treats can be made from the belly’s of some or the skins of others! So many creatures have hooves, some even mythical! Come out and tell us a tale!
We are encouraging our artisans to not only make things but teach how to make them (as well as this is also a part of the competition )
Documentation is required but don’t let that scare you away ( simple is all we ask but if you want to do more that’s wonderful ) (Help is available!)
Donations to largess are always appreciated as our gifts are always appreciated so much!