The Prince & Princess of the Mists
& Their Court
Robert & Yseult,
89th Heirs of the Mists

Lord Robert of the Mists
Persona: Mostly 14th-15th centuries but I time travel when it comes to garb. I was involved in Pas d’Armes when they were popular in the ’90s and early ’00s which influenced my persona.
SCA Interests: Heavy Fighting, Rapier, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Brewing, Woodworking and also discussing how the virtues shape our perception and participation in the SCA.
Likes: Hoppy beers, red wine, spicy foods, dark-roast coffee.
Dislikes: Being late, things that don’t run on time.
Allergies: No food allergies
Colors: Jewel tones and earth tones. My personal heraldry includes green, gold and black
- I am bad with names. It will take me a few tries, but, I will get it!
- I enjoy talking and discussing medieval subjects and would love to hear what you like about history and the sca.
Lady Yseult of the Mists
Persona: Mostly 14-15th century, but it varies. I time travel as fashion calls to me.
SCA Interests: Rapier, Learning archery, art, costuming and supporting the diverse groups within the sca.
Likes: Milk chocolate, sea food, beautiful things, Emeralds and gold.
Allergies: no food allergies
Colors: Green, gold, red, purple. My heraldic colors are Green and Gold.
- I would appreciate if people would invite me to visit all the activities happening at an event.
- Point out acts of kindness that you observe at events.
Head of Court
Maurya Etain Sableswan will be Head of Court.