Principality of the Mists Arts and Sciences

The Silver Muse Award

The Principality of the Mists has a special award given to 1 person each year who qualifies, called the Silver Muse.
There are 3 parts to this –

(1) entering and obtaining 50% of the points in 5 of the Mists Principality Arts and Sciences competitions during 1 calendar year

(2) one of the entries must have teaching component – this may be a “how to” set of instructions with the goal to share the fun, and

(3) the winner is encouraged to submit an item for largesse to assist the Royals in showing off the work of the Mists artisans.

The law for the Silver Muse has recently been amended. The amended language is as follows:

Article IV: Honors, Awards and Orders

Section 1: Honors

Section 1.6: Silver Muse

There shall be in the Mists an annual Arts and Sciences competition which begins at Spring Coronet. The Arts and Sciences Minister, in consultation with the Coronet, shall be responsible for conducting this competition.
The victor of this competition shall be known as the Silver Muse. The regalia of this office is the Silver Muse token, and the honor and regalia shall pass from the current holder to the winner of the competition at Fall Investiture or the next possible event thereafter. Criteria for winning the competition is as follows:
• Participation in at least 5 Mists A&S competitions. To qualify, the entry must receive at least 50% of the available points for that competition. This component recognizes the individual’s excellence in A&S skills.

• At least one entry must include a “teaching” component – a Do It Yourself handout or some other form of “how to do what I did” instruction. This information, with the permission of the entrant, will be published via the Mists Web site to further the shared knowledge within the Principality. This component recognizes the individual’s willingness to give back to the Principality by teaching their skills to others.

• The competitor shall be encouraged only to provide a donation to the Principality gift basket. The contribution does not have to be one of the A&S entries, but should be an item made by the contributor. This component allows the Coronet to proudly display the skills of its artisans by providing gifts for the Coronet to give to worthy recipients that can enrich the Principality.