Mists Quest
A PDF version of this quest for you to print and complete can be found here.
Your Prince and Princess challenge you to a quest! You have from Spring Investiture until Fall Investiture to complete it. You can complete these challenges at any event; it need not be an event in the Mists. It is on your own honor to track what you have done.
At Fall Investiture, everyone who has completed Mists Quests will receive a prize. The person who has scored the highest bonus points will receive an additional prize. Note that bonus points are received for completing the activities marked as “bonus points;” you do not receive bonus points for completing more than one item in a list described as “complete at least one of.

Arts & Sciences
- Education
- Conversations
- Heraldry
Bonus Points:
- Share art
- Donate largess
- Bonus conversations
Complete at least one of the following:
Complete both of the following. You may repeat this section for bonus points once at each event you attend. (E.g., six conversations at one event, then six conversations with different people at the next event, etc.)
Complete one of the following:
Complete at least one of the following:
Donate an item of largess to the Mists or another branch. Suggested largess includes cups and hats or hoods for newcomers and beaded necklaces for AoA tokens, but all types of non-perishable largess are appreciated.
Complete at least one of the following:
- Take an A&S class.
- Teach an A&S class.
- Receive a one-on-one lesson in A&S from someone.
- Teach a one-on-one lesson in A&S to someone.
Complete both of the following. You may repeat this section for bonus points once at each event you attend. (E.g., six conversations at one event, then six conversations with different people at the next event, etc.)
- Ask three Laurels three questions each about their art. (This can count for Laurel Hunt if you are doing that as well.)
- Ask three unleafed artisans three questions each about their art.
Complete one of the following:
- If you do not have a name and armory registered yet, submit a name and armory for registration with the College of Heralds.
- If you do have a name and armory registered, adorn an object (e.g., banner, surcoat, tabard, furniture, etc.) with your heraldry.
Complete at least one of the following:
- Enter your work in an A&S competition.
- Enter your work in an A&S display.
- Perform at a bardic.
Donate an item of largess to the Mists or another branch. Suggested largess includes cups and hats or hoods for newcomers and beaded necklaces for AoA tokens, but all types of non-perishable largess are appreciated.
- Conversations
- Education
- Service
Bonus Points:
- Royal service
- Bonus service
Complete both of the following:
Royal Service Complete at least one of:
- Ask three Pelicans three questions each about their service. (This counts for Pelican in Their Piety Hunt if you are doing that as well.)
- Ask three non-Pelican volunteers three questions each about their service.
- Learn about the role of each of the seven Great Officers of the Mists: the Seneschal, the Seawolf Herald, the Knight Marshal, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chronicler, and the Constable.
- Try to count how many volunteers there are at an event you attend. At minimum there is the event steward, but also look for heralds, lists, marshals, gate, feastocrat, cooks, A&S coordinators, set up, tear down, and others.
Royal Service Complete at least one of:
- Let the Princess of the Mists pet your dog. You only earn a single bonus point for this, total, but are encouraged to repeat it at each event anyway.
- Tell the Prince of the Mists about someone you know that you think should get an award.
- Archery & Thrown Weapons
- Heavy
- Rapier and Cut & Thrust
- Equestrian
Bonus Points:
- Compete in a tournament
- Donate loaner gear
- Bonus fights and flights
Archery & Thrown Weapons
Complete at least two of the following:
Complete at least two of the following:
Complete at least two of the following:
Complete at least one of the following:
Complete at least one of:
Donate loaner gear to support a martial activity in the Mists or another branch. Check with the people running practices and/or with the branch marshals for your activity to learn what kind of gear is needed.
Bonus Fights and Flights
Once you have completed the mandatory portion of the Combat section, you may gain a bonus point for each event at which you repeat at least one of the following:
Complete at least two of the following:
- Shoot at least three flights of arrows.
- Throw at least three flights of thrown weapons.
- Learn something about period archery/throwing or current archery/throwing technique from an archer/thrower.
- Learn something about period bows or thrown weapons or the SCA safety rules that apply to archery and thrown weapons from an archer/thrower.
- Teach a class or one-on-one lesson about archery or thrown weapons.
Complete at least two of the following:
- Fight three passes each with three members of the Order of Chivalry, then discuss your fights. (This can count for Chiv Hunt if you are doing that as well.)
- Fight three passes each with three unbelts, then discuss your fights.
- Learn something about period combat forms or weapons used by heavy fighters or about current heavy fighting technique from a heavy.
- Learn something about period siege weapons or current siege weapon techniques from someone who operates siege weapons on the heavy field.
- Learn something about period armor or about the SCA safety rules that apply to heavy combat from a heavy.
- Teach a class or a one-on-one lesson about heavy combat.
Complete at least two of the following:
- Fight three passes each with three members of the Order of Defense, then discuss your fights.
- Fight three passes each with three non-MoDs, then discuss your fights.
- Learn something about period combat forms used by rapier/C&T fighters or about current rapier/C&T fighting technique from a steel fighter.
- Learn something about period swords and other weapons or about the SCA safety rules that apply to steel fighting from a steel fighter.
- Teach a class or one-on-one lesson about steel fighting.
Complete at least one of the following:
- Participate in an equestrian activity.
- Watch and cheer on an equestrian activity.
- Learn something about period equestrian activities or about the SCA safety rules for equestrian activities from an equestrian.
- Teach an equestrian class or a one-on-one equestrian lesson.
Complete at least one of:
- Compete in an archery or thrown weapons tournament.
- Compete in a heavy tournament.
- Compete in a rapier or C&T tournament.
- Compete in an equestrian tournament.
Donate loaner gear to support a martial activity in the Mists or another branch. Check with the people running practices and/or with the branch marshals for your activity to learn what kind of gear is needed.
Bonus Fights and Flights
Once you have completed the mandatory portion of the Combat section, you may gain a bonus point for each event at which you repeat at least one of the following:
- Shoot at least three flights of arrows.
- Throw at least three flights of thrown weapons.
- Fight at least three passes of heavy combat each with at least three fighters, then discuss your fights.
- Fight at least three passes of steel combat each with at least three fighters, then discuss your fights.
- Participate in an equestrian activity.