Fighter Practices within the Principality
East Bay
Province of the Mists (Oakland, CA)
Rockridge BART Station
5660 College Ave,
Oakland, CA
Our hours
Every Thursday
Contact us

Practice held in West parking lot.
Rapier Loaner Gear Available.
Shire of Teufelberg (Dublin, CA)
Emerald Glen Park
4201 Central Pkwy,
Dublin, CA
Our hours
Every Monday
Contact us
Loaner Gear available for both Heavy & Rapier.
A&S activities weekly during practice.
The Peninsula
Shire of Cloondara (San Francisco, CA)
Balboa Park
Havelock St
San Francisco, CA 94112
Our hours
Starting at 1pm
Every Sunday
Contact us
Heavy Marshal: Ezekiel the Slightly Demented

Practice held next to Balboa Pool.
Rapier Loaner Gear Available.
Shire of Crosston (Sunnyvale, CA)
Lakewood Park
834 Lakechime Drive,
Sunnyvale, CA
Our hours
7pm – 9:30pm
Every Tuesday
Contact us
Heavy Marshal:
Rapier Marshal: William Whyte
Facebook: Lakewood Park Fighter Practice
Discord: Lakewood Fencing
Practice held by the tennis courts
Rapier Loaner Gear Available
North Bay
Shire of Wolfscairn (Santa Rosa, CA) - Fighter Practice
Finley Community Park
2060 W College Ave,
Santa Rosa, CA
Our hours
Starting at 10am
Every Sunday
Shire of Wolfscairn (Santa Rosa, CA) - Archery Practice
EAA Behind Sonoma County Airport,
Santa Rosa, CA
Our hours
Contact Rebecca Redarrow for time
Every Sunday
Contact us
Archery Marshal: Rebecca Redarrow
MUST RSVP in order to attend. Contact Rebecca Redarrow to RSVP
Loaner gear available upon request.
South Bay
Barony of Darkwood (Santa Cruz, CA)
River Front Street Garage
155 River Street S,
Santa Cruz, CA
Our hours
7pm – 10pm
Every Thursday
Contact us
Heavy Marshal: Sir Jared Galen
Rapier Marshal: Richard Rober-Tissot
Baronial Fighter Practice, Santa Cruz
Practice held on top floor
Canton of Hawk's Haven (Gilroy, CA)
Southern Cross Farm
8484 Burchnell Rd.
Gilroy, CA
Our hours
12PM – 4PM
First & Third Sunday of the Month
Contact us
Rapier Marshal: Jared of Castlewood
Archery Marshal: Tom Houts
Hawks Haven Rapier Practice
Archery & Rapier practices held at the same time & location
If you know of any changes that need to be made to one of the practices listed, or of any new official SCA practices within the Principality, please email the Principality Webminister.