Cynagua/Mists War
May 9 @ 12:00 pm - May 11 @ 12:00 pm
Cynagua (KHTI, Catheys Valley, CA)
A cacophonous clanging spills in from the shore, souring the sweet coastal air. A thick plume of smoke rises from the horizon, painting the otherwise clear blue sky with an ominous grey, as the distant rumble of cannon fire echoes across the coastal cliffs, sending startled seabirds scattering into the air. From the vantage point on the rocky headland, onlookers witness the silhouettes of the battling fleets, their sails billowing in the wind, gradually closing in on one another, now locked in a fierce dance of fire and maneuver on the open sea.
The Principalities are at War!
Come support your side in a naval inspired Heavy and Steel Combat, Archery, Horsemanship, Art & Science Deceptive Arts of War competition, Artisan Scriptorium, Privateering, Youth Challenges, and more! Keep a weather eye on social media and the event website for details on non-combatant war participation!
Event Steward: Sigfrøthr Ǫlfúss (Kevin Miller):, (916) 678-0615
Ticket Fee: Adult “Non-Member” Registration: $35, Adult Member Registration ($): $25, Children (under 17 yrs of age): FREE, Family Cap: $0
Location: KHTI: 1 Via Caballo, Catheys Valley, CA 95306
Directions to site:
Make your best way to Merced CA. From Merced take CA-140 East 22.9 miles turn right onto Via Caballo Rd.
Or search for “Kingdom Historical Trust Inc (KHTI) event site” on Google maps.
NOTE: The turn off of CA-140 onto Via Caballo is VERY tight. Please use caution and approach slowly.
Site Information:
Site Accessibility: The site is a cow pasture, its completely primitive land with no accessibility modifications
Terrain Description: This is a primitive site with no amenities. The terrain is uneven with rocks and grass. The gravel road in is somewhat steep and there will be recent signs of cows…
Bodies of water on/near site: A small stream that runs along the highway at the western edge of the property.
Insects or wild animals to be aware of on/ near site:
Amenities on Site:
Additional Comments: