Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/267361889991146
Santa Rosa, California
Practice Schedule:
12-3 is fighter practice
95401 Santa Rosa, CA
North on 101 to Santa Rosa, take the Highway 12 exit towards Sebastopol. Take the Stony Point exit, turn right onto Stony Point. The park is on the right (about 4 stop lights). There is a stop light at the entrance to the park, the street name is Finley Park. There is a fire station right across the street to the park entrance.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/267361889991146
Santa Rosa, California
Practice Schedule:
12-3 is fighter practice
95401 Santa Rosa, CA
North on 101 to Santa Rosa, take the Highway 12 exit towards Sebastopol. Take the Stony Point exit, turn right onto Stony Point. The park is on the right (about 4 stop lights). There is a stop light at the entrance to the park, the street name is Finley Park. There is a fire station right across the street to the park entrance.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/267361889991146
Santa Rosa, California
Practice Schedule:
12-3 is fighter practice
95401 Santa Rosa, CA
North on 101 to Santa Rosa, take the Highway 12 exit towards Sebastopol. Take the Stony Point exit, turn right onto Stony Point. The park is on the right (about 4 stop lights). There is a stop light at the entrance to the park, the street name is Finley Park. There is a fire station right across the street to the park entrance.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/267361889991146
Santa Rosa, California
Practice Schedule:
12-3 is fighter practice
95401 Santa Rosa, CA
North on 101 to Santa Rosa, take the Highway 12 exit towards Sebastopol. Take the Stony Point exit, turn right onto Stony Point. The park is on the right (about 4 stop lights). There is a stop light at the entrance to the park, the street name is Finley Park. There is a fire station right across the street to the park entrance.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/267361889991146
Santa Rosa, California
Practice Schedule:
12-3 is fighter practice
95401 Santa Rosa, CA
North on 101 to Santa Rosa, take the Highway 12 exit towards Sebastopol. Take the Stony Point exit, turn right onto Stony Point. The park is on the right (about 4 stop lights). There is a stop light at the entrance to the park, the street name is Finley Park. There is a fire station right across the street to the park entrance.
Their Highnesses, Ulfr and Thyri invite you to witness the crossing of swords, crashing of shields and roar of the crowd, as fighters come from near and far to vie for the Mistland thrones, Cradle of Kingdoms.
Tournament details as follows:
Each round is best 2 of 3
Finals is best 3 of 5- weapons of choice
There will be an evening revel with gaming and camaraderie. Please keep your eyes on Facebook and listen for the morning announcements on tournament day for an updated schedule.
Mists A&S Competition/Display
This year’s theme: An Evening Well Spent
Documentation? Yes!
Please bring your entry AND documentation for it if you plan to enter the competition. About 3 pages is a great length for competition documentation. So is 1 page.
Fall Coronet
Children’s Items – Any item used at bedtime
Ex: Dressing gown, cap,
Child’s Verses and Stories- A performing art piece
Ex: Bedtime stories, Lullabies
Mists Silver Spoon
Mists Silver Spoon Competitions will use the people who might have had a hand in growing, preparing, or producing food in period as its inspiration. All competitions are participant judged, so please be ready and available to talk about your dish(es) and to taste the other dishes.
Fall Coronet:
From the Farmer – ingredients grown or gathered by the farmer; eggs, milk, orchard fruits
Event Steward: Sara a la Petite Rose (Sarah Rozett) / Da’ud Ibn Ali (David Williams)
Email: Sara.petiterose@gmail.com/ da’ud.ali.sca@gmail.com
Registration: Adult Event Registration: $20, Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $15, Children/minors under 18: free
Site opens: Friday September 20th at 2pm and closes Sunday September 22nd at 3PM
Location: Skyline Wilderness Park, 2201 Imola Avenue, Napa, CA 94559
Directions: Use best GPS directions to the address above and watch for the signs pointing to the correct entrance gate/parking lot.More information to come.
Fire: No wood burning permitted. Above ground Propane fires allowed. Propane torches allowed. Follow West Kingdom fire law.
Dogs: Dogs MUST BE leashed (per county law) and cleaned up after.
Their Highnesses of the Mists invite you to the Investiture of Their Heirs
Their Highnesses Prince Ulfr and Princess Thyri do cordially invite you to witness the Investiture of Their heirs. A marvelous Anglo Saxon feast to celebrate Them will be made by Leofwen Cryccthegn.
Saturday November 9, 201
Sebastopol Masonic Lodge
373 N Main St,
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Site Opens at 10:00 am and closes at 9:00 pm
Autocrat: Nisaa Karahisari (Denise Cicuto)
Silver Spoon for Mists Fall Investiture is: From the Baker — baked goods: breads, pastries, sweets.
Feast is $15 and must be purchased from the Event Steward in advance. Checks should be made payable to “SCA – Principality of the Mists”.
Tickets for the feast will be on sale by mail from the Event Steward and must be purchased in advance.
For more info about the feast, contact the Event Steward or Head Cook. Please contact the Head Cook if you have any dietary restrictions/ allergies. If you have any food sensitivities, contact Leofwen before the day of the feast. Alternate dishes can be prepared.
Mailing address for feast tickets: Denise Cicuto, 1510 Pacific Ave Alameda, CA 94501
Directions to the Site:
Directions: From the North or South: Take Hwy 101 to Santa Rosa, CA and exit onto Hwy 12 heading west. From the East: Take Hwy 12 towards Santa Rosa, CA. Everyone: Continue WEST on Hwy 12 towards Sebastopol. Turn RIGHT onto Petaluma Ave (Petaluma Ave will curve to the left, be in the right-hand lane). Turn RIGHT onto Main Street (CA-116). Masonic Lodge will be on your right across from Safeway.
Feast Menu
Preliminary Menu:
Course 1
Fresh bread
Scrambled eggs with sage
Vegetable stew
Course 2
Bean soup
Grilled chicken
Oyster loaf (non oyster version available)
Fresh greens
Apples or pears in honey and wine
Course 3
Fish stew
Fried parsnips
Toasted cheese and flatbread
Roast beef with fruit sauce
Rock cakes (honey cakes)
Event Location: Bolado Park, 9000 Airline Hwy, Tres Pinos, CA (Camping Event)
Site Open: Friday, September 10th, 1:00pm
Site Close: Sunday September 12th, 4:00pm
Site Fee: $25 Non-members / $20 with Member discount
West Kingdon Fire rules will be in effect. Propane firepits only.
Pre-registration closes Wednesday, September 1st.
ALL Attendees MUST Pre-register.
Fill out the google form at https://sites.google.com/westkingdom.org/epay/home to do so.
Unlimited Pre-registrations available.
Registration cost is $25.
Member Registration includes $5 dollar discount.
Youth 18 and under are FREE.
West Kingdom Welcoming Committee available.
Event Coordinator: Da’ud ibn Ali (David Williams);
email: daud.ali.sca@gmail.com
Event Schedule
*Schedule is subject to change. Please listen for Heralds’ announcements
Lists Signup Open at Lists discretion – Listen for announcement
9:00p – Lists Signup Close
8:00a – Lists Signup Open
10:00a – Lists Signup Close
10:30a– Morning Court
Invocation (immediately following Court)
Coronet Lists (immediately following Invocation)
Listen for announcement – Roses Field Open
Listen for announcement – Youth Combat
1 hour after Lists Finals – Evening Court
10:30a – Last Court of Patric & Sara, Prince & Princess of the Mists
11:30a – Break
12:00p – Investiture
First Court of Their Highnesses of The Mists (following Investiture)
4:00p – Site Closes
From the Principality Marshal
It is my pleasure as the Mists Marshal to announce the format of the coronet lists for their Highnesses.
On September 11th the tournament shall be fought in a Double Elimination type tournament. Invocation and Challenges will be done as normal, but there will be a change to the fighting format within the tournament.
The fights shall be of two (2) counted blows to demonstrate victory rather than one killing blow.
Good shots to the legs and arms shall be counted as good blows but the fighter will simply acknowledge them and continue fighting unhindered.
After each acknowledged good blow there will be a separation of the fighters to reset; not a hold, and not to be reinitialized by the marshals, only a momentary pause to clarify the blow to the onlookers.
Double kills shall be refought from the beginning immediately, resetting all blows counted to 0.
While nobody dies in a counted blows tournament, it is specifically requested by their Highnesses that the fighter kneel or show some visible deference upon defeat, so the results of the fight are clear to those watching.
This will be our first tournament in over a year so please come to inspection early, ready for internal helmet inspection of padding.
Sir James Kristof
Principality Marshal
From the Principality Rapier Champion
To the most wonderful populace of this, our glorious Principality of the Mists, do I send joyous tidings!
The plague which has swept across these lands is waning, and we shall soon meet again. On the weekend of September 10-12, we shall reunite under the banner of our great sea-wolf, to make merry and find who shall be worthy of representing our principality on the rapier field.
With the permission of their Highnesses, I have come to announce the format of the tournament! We will be fighting a round robin, should our numbers not exceed 10 in the lists. Should we draw more fighters, a standard double elimination will ensue in its stead. Standard rules of the lists will be followed, including for blows, and all bouts shall be best 2 out of 3. I
hope to see all of you wonderful friends there!
Juan Carlos Castillo de Guzman
Rapier Champion of the Mists
The Mists Archery Championship
I am very happy to be able to once again invite the archers of The Mists to compete to become Archery Champion!
This competition will include a standard Royal Round, plus the Society Seasonal Archery Challenge. There will be a sudden death tie-breaker, if needed.
Randal of Camusfearna
Mists Archery Champion
Arts and Sciences
Oyez, oyez! Your attention is requested! Arts & Sciences at Coronet wants YOU! Come show off the projects that kept you going during the plague quarantine! Bring your best, bring your attempts, bring your crafts, bring your designs — let’s highlight all arts and sciences with an amazing display!
The Silver Muse will not begin at this event so that everyone has plenty of time to research the upcoming competitions and prepare. You will find details for the individual competitions on our Principality website — start dates will be announced!
So help us start A&S off right in our Principality’s reopening event! Display will be from just after first court til just before last court at the A&S pavilion. If you would like to teach a class please let me know. I’m sure many of us would enjoy some in person lessons!
Lady Rew Payne
Principality Arts and Sciences Minister
Saltator de Nebula
Saltator de Nebula competition will be Saturday of Coronet after 3rd round, location TBD.
Listen for heralds. The dance will be Bransle des Chevaux (Horse’s Bransle).
We meet at 7pm the first Tuesday of every month, November 2019 is at Maggie and Francisco’s House-Hollister; December 2019 is at La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant in Gilroy; January 2020 is at Carrek & Mercy’s House – Hollister; February 2020 is at Running Rooster restaurant – Hollister;
It is usually potluckish, unless it’s at a restaurant. if you are able, check the HawksHaven FB page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hawkshaven/
Good Gentles All, you are invited to join the Barony of Darkwood at the 2022 White Shield Tournament. There will be heavy and rapier tournaments for prizes and for the Champions of Darkwood. Lists and armor inspection open at 10 am, and the Lists closes at 11 am.
Other activities to be determined.
Feast information to come. Feast Cook, Mdm Ghislaine Triest, mdm_ghislane@westkingdom.org
Event Steward: Katherine Grym — E-mail: grym@westkingdom.org
9000 Airline Hwy
95075 Tres Pinos , CA
From south of Gilroy: Take the best route to US-101 N to CA-156 E toward San Juan Batista/ Hollister. Turn right onto Union Road. Turn right onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25. *Follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From the Bay Area: Take US-101 S. Take the CA-25 exit toward Hollister CA-25 merging right going into Hollister. Turn left onto Santa Ana Road. Turn right onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From I-5: Take CA-33 exit at Santa Nella towards Gilroy. Turn West onto CA-33. Merge onto CA-152 West toward Gilroy. Turn left onto CA-156/ Pacheco Pass Hwy. Turn left onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
Greetings unto the populace of the West from Da’ud and Moira, Prince and Princess of the Mists:
We approach the time for selection of our heirs. The format for the Spring Mists Coronet will be double elimination, best 2 out of 3 per round. Fourth round will be fought with mace and shield. Finals will be best 3 out of 5, and should finals go beyond 3 passes, bouts 4 and 5 will be fought with mace and shield.
Their Highnesses will also be holding the Mists Rapier Championship at this event, with tournament formatting to be updated shortly.
Due to the continuing uncertainty regarding the ongoing COVID Pandemic, we are requiring that either fighter or consort be a resident of The Mists. We also request each fighter/consort pair to declare their intent to Us prior to Coronet at royals@mists.westkingdom.org
The event will host the Mist Silver Muse Arts and Sciences competition: “Arts and Science though the Ages”.
This completion will be composed of two parts, one for early period, and one for later period entries. The Early Period will be 8th century, and the Later Period will be 13th century. Artisans can create clothing, jewelry, stamping from the 8th! Or sing a song, show a jewel from the 13th! Documentation is required, but does not need to be elaborate. Silver Muse competition will contain a teaching element at some point, so why not start early and arrange a class.
For questions regarding the Silver Muse competition, or if you would like to teach a class, contact Lady Rue Payne at Rew@westkingdom.org or via FB messenger @RutheMiller.
Their Highnesses will also be encouraging populace participation for The Princess’s Social, Target Archery, and Games and Socializing on the Tourney Field on Saturday evening after the Tournament.
Event Steward: Khalidah bint Sa’id Al’Attar (Dominique Griffard) — Email: dominique@redhouselawyer.com
Watch for the signs pointing to the correct entrance gate/parking lot.
Site Information:
94559 Napa , CA
Site Fee:
From I-80: Take CA-12 West toward Napa/Sonoma. Turn right onto CA-29 North. Veer slightly to the right on CA-221 North toward Downtown Napa/Lake Berryessa. Turn right at Imola Ave., and the entrance to the park is approximately 1 mile on the right.
From US-101: Take CA-37 East toward Napa/Vallejo. Turn left on Ca-29 North/Sonoma Blvd. Veer slightly right on CA-221 North toward Downtown Napa/Lake Berryessa. Turn right at Imola Ave. and the entrance to the park is approximately 1 mile on the right.
From CA-12/121 (Carneros Hwy): Turn left on CA-29 North. Exit Imola Ave. and turn right at the light. Stay straight on Imola for 2.5 miles (approximately 6 minutes and 5 lights). Entrance to the park will be on the right.