Mists Quest from Their Highnesses Kean and Hannah
Your Prince and Princess challenge you to a quest! You have from Spring Investiture until Fall Investiture to complete these tasks associated with the three pillars of our society: Arts & Sciences, Service, and Combat. All who complete this quest will receive a prize and the person who has scored the highest bonus points will receive an additional prize.
Gold Key Wish List
Our Gold Key Minister works hard to ensure that newcomers are well and happily attired at events. He is currently working diligently to maintain and enrich the Principality’s wardrobes, and yet has need of certain items. If you have any of these items (in good repair) to donate, please
contact Ezekiel the Slightly Demented:
- Tunics and other garb in Large Men’s sizes
- Garb for grammar school-age children
- Belts
- Veils and circlets or woven bands to hold them
- Cloaks
Your Principality Needs You!
The SCA is a volunteer-run organization, and there are plenty of opportunities to support the Principality of the Mists and use your valuable skills and talents (not to mention gain tons of gratitude and glory!) as an Officer of the Principality. The following Officers are curerntly seeking deputies to train as successors:
- The Principality Archer (Organizes and oversees the safety and honor of archery activities).
- The Regalia Minister makes sure that all regalia gets to and leaves events intact and is stored appropriately, is seeking someone to assist her with the carrying to and from of the regalia. Please contact her for details.
- In addition, the Principality Constable is always in need of trusty folk to help “sit gate” (help at the check-in area) at events. It’s easy, fun and a great way to meet new people and truly serve your Principality. Contact the Constable for more info.
- There are many other, less committal ways to help. Most people will gratefully accept an offer to simply help them carry stuff. At tournaments, the Lists Officer accepts volunteers of all ages to act as Pages to carry cards to the Field Heralds. Staying after events to clean up afterwards helps your hard-working Autocrats stay sane. If you are new to the SCA, it is truly a wonderful way to meet people and get yourself known to others.
Greetings to the Populace of the Principality of the Mists From the Mists Ministers of Arts & Sciences
We are excited about this years arts and sciences competition theme “Trade Goods”. Please
read on here for details about A&S activities for 2024. We are also very excited that their Highnesses are supporting the
Silver Muse.
There’s more to do in the Principality than fight or eat.
Another year is on us as we plan out our equestrian calendar. Many interesting things will be going on with the horses of the Mist so check back! There’s more information on the
Mists Equestrian page.
And there’s a growing interest in
archery. The Mists Archer
has information for anyone interested or just curious about “bow’n’arrows.” And often there are loaner bows for those who don’t yet have their own.
Here is
a listing of fighter practices within the Principality. I have included all practices for heavy fighting, rapier and archery that I have been able to find. some practices are seasonal, so call ahead before making a long trip.
I’d love to be able to include light fighting and siege weapons. If something is listed incorrectly, or if you know of a regular practice that I have left out, please
contact me.
From the Silver Spoon
The current version of
the Silver Spoon Competition Judging Sheet is on-line. The Minister recommends that potential competitors and judges (and anyone who is curious) look at it to see what we’re expecting in an entry. If you have any comments, corrections, recommendations, or questions, please contact the Minister of the Silver Spoon.
Important Message from the
Minister of the Saltatoris Nebulorum
Crystal of the Westermark, the Mists Minister for Dance, has
information for the populace: what dance competitions are coming up, where to learn to dance outside of events, events that feature dancing, and more.
On-Line Award Recommendation Letter
Think someone deserves an award? Not sure how to write a letter of recommendation? The Kingdom Heralds have an on-line form that sends your recommendation to the current Prince and Princess of the Mists (or other sitting Royalty). The form guides you through the necessary information their Highnesses will need. Check it out:
Award Recommendation Letter